Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Children's Claritin 24 Hour

I am a BzzAgent and I received Children's Claritin 24 hour for free to review. Before receiving the Claritin I had been using Benadryl to try and relieve the symptoms of my two year olds allergies. The Benadryl was not working, he still had a VERY runny nose. His poor little nose was red and raw. He was not himself, cranky and he wanted to sleep most of the day. Within an hour of taking Children's Claritin my son was back outside playing and running around like his normal self. And just a couple days later his little nose was healed. Now when I notice that my son's allergies are acting up I reach for Children's Claritin. My only complaint has been that it only comes in grape flavored, which my son is not to crazy about, so it is a bit of a chore to get him to take it. Worth the chore though. I have since reccomended it to my family.

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